This is a late addition - Aziz's Viewing possibly?
Happened on the 16th December 2021 -
Location: On the street - residential area - 3100 block of Barnett Street Mayfair section, Philadelphia - afternoon.
I have seen 3 news articles with different stories as to what happened - the victims aren't talking. It was unprovoked attack at the time but it seems shooters and victims knew each other (my assumption). One said the man who was shot in the head was first shot while sitting in his car - he got out and tried to run, was hit in the head and died on the road.
Media Report:
A 23-year-old man was shot four times, including once in the head, in a triple shooting in Philadelphia’s Mayfair section on Wednesday, police say. The victim was pronounced dead at 6:07 p.m.
[The deceased Victim] He was shot in the head, once on the right side of his chest, once in his right forearm, and in his left thigh.
[Second Victim] A 21-year-old man was shot three times — twice in his right leg and once in his left leg,
[Third Victim] a 30-year-old man, was shot once in his right thigh.
Some things Aziz mentioned:
I am seeing a bit of an urban area in my first visual.
And there is a prominent sort of tannish-white hues structure that sort of towers out above the rest of them, and it's pointy - has a pointy top –
So, a pointy top structure, and then a lot of lower-level blocky structures surrounding, and it just sort of comprises an urban environment.
Okay so moving to the centre of the target it seems like I’m seeing a lot more of the lower-level structures
These subjects seemed like they were just a group of subjects standing along the side of the road over here and I’m hearing some pop sounds, but I’m just seeing this commotion – this starts coming their way - then this group of subjects they immediately start fleeing down this way, which is perpendicular from the direction that these guys are running.
It seems like this individual's got some sort of tool here - kind of looks like a gun but uh I see projectiles shooting out and hitting this subject.
One seems to hit him in the arm and then another one seems to bounce off his head like so, and when I say bounce off, I mean it just he gets domed, he gets hit in the head right here, and I seeing I can get hitting somewhere around here this are …but he gets hit around this area, and another part on the back of the head right over there, so it seems like this guy dies.
…and then another one just like on this sort of left hand or left right right-hand side of the body gets blasted over there too.
Aziz's picture of the Target event
Residential area - Opposite Recreational Park - Opposite Church School College
Aziz drawing of location
Google Map - Location of shooting.
Spiral - pointy thing on the building opposite the shooting area -
Victims were on the road near recreational park