Sorry will check I thought it was you let me check-- if wrong I will correct--
Bashar talks about Soul Traps - "no such thing."
Very sorry MB-- thought it was you-- It was someone called Natalie - my apologies to you. (you both have a pink circle button)
It was from Natalie saying -----Any links to the NDE cages one? That sounds extremely interesting--- Said Natalie
I will correct the previous post saying it was NOT you
-- but I will leave this series of posts (the apology ) intact in case anyone else saw it and thought it was you who said it --
Hi MB -- the correction has now been made in the previous post where your name was incorrectly indicated--
Good thing I even saw your post as sometimes I have posted and then gone off on a short holiday and it could have been sitting there for days instead of hours !!
It is ok, David, no problem. We all make mistakes, and the board is not the best either.
I thought I would throw the cat among the pigeons !
How can Bashar be right ?
How can Bashar be telling the truth -- that there are no death traps ??
Here is a wild possibility
Several People are predicting a bizarre occurrence to happen.
The bizarre occurrence apparently has never occurred in this universe before. It is the duplication of Earth where one Earth moves entirely into the next dimension and the old Earth staying behind !! I DID SAY IT WAS BIZARRE.
So those people who listen to Bashar and follow his teachings will miss the soul traps because they will no longer be in this dimension. Those who stay behind will encounter soul traps. A strange solution.
Here is part of
phoenix post that she started called "Investigation into what's likely to happen by 2050"
======= > ""Lyn has done many RV sessions on the future on Earth, and sees a massive population reduction, over the next 30 years, by killing off humans, through the poisoning of the atmosphere and food supply. By 2050, human/ET hybrids will have taken over the Earth, instituting a largely agrarian society, with no large cities."" <========
According to Pheonix in her post info above LYN Buccanan ( said he saw a very small population left on Earth. He saw Hybrids.
In the posting line ""ALIENS-SPECIES-CATEGORIES-WHAT WE THINK WE KNOW"""------What does Timmothy Goode say in the post where he appears briefly discussing Hybrids.
He says it is known that Aliens that are operating massive under water bases have created unrecognizable hybrids and they are walking among us now. Known since the 1980's.
What was said caused the massive decline of the human population? (the cover story - as i remember was said is pollutants and bad food, disease). Was that just told to the remaining population to explain a strange occurrence ?
But will some of it be this strange prediction, where millions of people just seem to disappear-- As predicted in the bible-- ie the Rapture ?
If this strange prediction comes true- and the enlightened group moves with this other earth into the next higher dimension how can it work ??
If the higher vibrational group is to move with the new earth and Delores (and others) say the new Earth is invisible-- then What ?
Do those of higher vibration start to become invisible too as the 2nd earth divides and it is invisible ?? Stranger still. Delores says it was heard as it divided --"poor dear - she died believing all of that".
Do the people of higher vibration actually die ? In other words does just their soul/sprit move with the new earth ? Or do they just disappear ? Surely every house, statue, building doesn't duplicate too - or does it ?
Very difficult to understand but several people are predicting this.
This prediction is made by Delores Cannon-- by Simon Parkes-- and I have heard it from a few others. I will if pressed try to find them.
Here is Delores now discussing it. Go to 2 1/2 minutes on this short video. It is actually discussed by several of these new ager types (they could be called)
New Earth- those who are ascending move with the new earth and those who don't stay with the old earth and all its problems.
I also saw in on of Bashars many posts- That as people become more enlightened - more positive - they loose touch with those negative people they use to hang out with. And they are just never seen again.
WOW ok ! This is wild stuff---- Who knows ? Any way its fun to just hear all these different points of view !
Video just bootlegged posted today for those curious
Video just bootlegged posted today for those curious
Bashar was right on both counts ----- we chose to come here and there maybe RV metaphors of 'death traps' to simulate the 'reincarnation cycle', but experiencers and many RVer know the difference between truth and metaphors!
I would support more interesting mystery targets like who’s flying these UFOs that have been disclosed. Who flew over the White House in July 1952?
Secret space program and this 20 and back claim (if it’s real). What’s under the Sphinx? The note passed around the G HW bush’s funeral. Enki and Enlil
Hi Vernon Nathaniel Royal,
in respect to your reply to the OP's first post:
This is a GREAT idea, and i will follow suit.
One question in particular is interesting:
" For the souls which are able to pass through the traps, what is the requirement for being able to do so?"
I will ask that question a psychic (booked already) and then maybe we can compare the answers here.
That is not a scientific proof, but will provide much greater insight than just one answer.
What do you think about it?
This is a fascinating topic and I love that there is a discussion here! I can't believe I didn't notice there was a forums page until now ;')
As a trained Soul Centred Healer what I find really interesting isn't so much in what the blabbering Bashar said but what Martin's question contained:
quote ~
MARTIN: Hi Bashar, my name is Martin, from Illinois.
I recently received a clairvoyant reading and I was told that there are negative beings that intend to influence me. Perhaps, through the phenomena called gang-stalking or targeted harassment.
I've come across the idea that perhaps we were created to be harvested for emotional energy called Loosh. Perhaps through the being called Demiurge and Archons who attempt to deceive us through channels and fake holograms of a tunnel of light, and angels, and life reviews at death to trick us into staying in this Earth matrix. And that our true home is a dark empty void of creation.
~ end quote
This idea of negative beings harvesting emotional energy, gang stalking and harassing individuals, is something I encounter often in my work. It does not surprise me that there are entities out there who are disconnected from their light and are living in darkness. For these entities to survive (well at least increase their energy/power) they need to draw that light through other souls much like a parasite. I would imagine a smart way to access this energy would be to do that at the moment of bodily death for a soul, trying to draw one away from their rightful place in the spirit world, whether by interception or by building up over time that this is the 'right' thing to do ie. DONT GO TO THE LIGHT, or both. To me, this is the true death trap, to tempt one away from their own light at a moment of confusion and transition and drawn into darkness and be drained of your identity, energy and connection to your light and I think this is what the blabbering Bashar might getting at in his very round about nonsensical way.
This of cause is a more comfortable position to take - as pondering the reincarnation process as something endlessly nefarious and punishment upon punishment is quite heart breaking and defeating....which leads me to depression, which leads me away from light and power and susceptible to interference...which makes me snap out and go wait a minute!
So consider this: The death trap idea IS the death trap!
and perhaps, maybe, the RVers as talented as they are, are getting shown something that plays into Dr Browns own fears and concerns which then influence the sessions, or that these sessions are being highjacked by entities like mentioned by Martin who can produce fake holograms to deceive us.
Considering that we are talking here about beings that are highly intellectual , way above our possibilities, its possible that they are playing with us. Any source can be corrupted. And we would never know for sure because we are limited in that sense
However we have one thing that we can always count on, a feeling in the soul a gut feeling.
In cases where our mind is limited and we cannot see truth, this is only thing that remains.
The topic and the entire past yrs’ targets were all bc of a book Courtney read that we have no idea if it’s a forgery or not.
I am glad you have raised this. I did sort of ask in a post if any of the Farsighters had read this book before this whole thing kicked off in the way that it has. Of course I did not expect an answer. If the book had appeared in the consciousness of Farsighters after the death traps became identified it would seem to be a very interesting correlation but the idea of death traps is not in any case new or restricted to the Alien Interview book. The book for me is clearly fictional and is designed to promote the idea of the steady state universe and intelligent design through a cunnning literary device. Both ideas dear to religious fundmentalists stinging from their ridicule in modern times. If you refuse to suspend your disbelief it is a badly thought out piece of science fiction. That is not to say that it does not contain ideas from more authentic sources. Much as Carlos Castenaeda's work was drawn from real research made into all manner of esoterica in libraries. If you question its content it is full of unanswered questions and in general it is very sloppy. There are clearly many kinds of IS-BEs: those who get to express themselves and those who are there to serve. We do mindless functional taks for 40 or 50 years at the behest of others - as fully realised IS-BEs we could be on another kind of conveyor belt for thousands of years. Just like the channelling the book appeals to a sense of getting special information, the desire for which expunges the critical faculties. Sadly for many people the concepts of science, mathematics and physics are as mystical as the ideas from a hectoring channeller and possibly scientific ideas sound less credible. The joke is that everything in the Interview book could be true as it is one sense 'unfalsifiable' but there you go. It is oddly being presented as highly credible by the scentific remote viewers otherwise I would not have given it a moment's consideration.
Bashar also said 9/11 wasn't a conspiracy and that COVID wasn't manmade. During a later transmission, he changed his tune, and admitted that the virus had been artificially manipulated. He proceeded to talk about how he sometimes says things deliberately out of alignment with what we know is true just to see if we will believe him blindly or trust our own intelligence & discernment. On another occasion he admitted that he tells "white lies" sometimes to not get so many people buying into negative conspiracies. From listening to a lot of Bashar, I know that he very rarely would reinforce a "negative conspiracy" by getting his audience to focus on it, even if there are aspects of truth.
I've heard Bashar talk about the soul traps and perhaps it is true to some extent -- that the power of beliefs and our own consciousness could literally create that experience. We are creator beings after all, and that's what the negative forces are relying on, for us to buy into it with fear. At the same time I think it's important to recognize that there probably is an aspect of truth to these soul matrix theories and the mind control technologies. The important thing is not giving into fear and knowing that even if it is true, we can transcend it. From what I hear these things are all in the process of getting taken down now, anyway.
The more I study the language and the message used by these channeled entities the more I become concerned as to their possible mmotives... Knowing that a program to covertly keep a society from knowing who they are and where they are needs the highest level of saturation achievable, while also subtle and layered.. turned different for different groups or types of individuals... I'm starting to characterise this as one of probably many intelligent ways of achieving this possible goal...
I don't think there are ill intentions, but one of the reasons I've stopped listening to so much Bashar is because of stuff like this. At points it feels like he treats his audience like children who cannot stand to hear the real truth of what is going on, and the manipulation on this planet. He admits the Reptilians are real but said we are only scared of them because of our instincts -- not because they are predatory.
I kind of understand where he is coming from because he has such a large audience, and not everyone is ready for these topics. But like Bashar says, as we raise in consciousness we become aware of both the positive and the negative. And I think there is wisdom in shining a light on all the horrific darkness that's been happening behind the scenes, so that we could put an end to it and shift into the light. I've learned to trust my own intuition over the years rather than relying on any channeled material, which could easily be infiltrated.
I just came across this youtube video of Dolores Cannon summing up her views on what happens to the IsBe after death based on the accounts of thousands of her clients. It is truly fascinating-
There have been great explorations of the spirit (of IS-BEness) throughout the history of our species and truly enriching teachings that inspire and empower us. There have also been amazing explorations of the unseen and although the terminology is different in our time the material is very much the same. Simply dive into the esoteric material from antiquity. There have been the Cabalists and the Western Occultists, there are the messages from various shamans, philosophers and so on an on. This stuff from Bashar and the others like Bashar is really very weak, I find the delivery so condescending as to be spiteful. Some of the sessions where the public get to ask questions look just like the cold reading techniques of charlatan mediums.
I would say that there are much better ways of communicating a vital message to humanity than these creepy seances. I am wondering how many people are following this channelling phenomenon and taking it seriously. Should we be concerned?
There is something worrying there too, revelation from the greater to the meaner. It sounds to me more like softening up humans for a takeover than the gift of raising up the species. Some of the messages coming from the Essessani are along the lines of - a difficult time is coming for you but it is necessary to take you further in your development. There seems to be this idea that the Essessani will become visible to us when our frequencies are raised. That sounds to me like when they turn up we are supposed to thank them and bow down and give thanks for their guidance and leadership. It sounds to me like the vanguard preparation for the takeover that David Jacobs has warned of.
It is pure childish disinformation. Plain an simple. Not something to consider or even to fight against. This poor trained mediums mix some ill received messages from an entity they don’t fully realize and mix up with some (un)intentional cold reading. Remembering that some mediuns get really addicted to the notoriety, or depended on the financial influx. Ill intentional entities can explore them to keep circulating brainwashing manipulative concepts.