This thread is turning onto a flame war. I think it iis time to change the forum to a moderated forum. It wont be long before we get the "I made $7000 working from home" spam.
Well Dick.... how about it?
This thread is turning onto a flame war. I think it iis time to change the forum to a moderated forum. It wont be long before we get the "I made $7000 working from home" spam.
Well Dick.... how about it?
Sorry William. I agree with you. I will respond to topics and ignore attacks. The reference to trading was not to solicit in any way. It’s what I do. Used it To simply keep response short and leave. Trying to ignore message sent me but difficult. Anyway embarrassed on the exchange you saw.
Everything Boils down to one Thing - Who ever or Which ever Company that is going to get the First Cure or Effective Vaccine out - Buy them stocks - You will be a Millionaire over night - You can retire - and at least some good has come out of all this Lesson
Hi Dr Bowman. I have been following vaccine developments for both the prevention and commercial aspect as you mentioned. Two companies are clearly in the lead - Moderna (RNA type vaccine) and Inovio (DNA type).
Agreed Dr Bowman -
And here we are at the end of 2021 - and billionaires abound.
By April 2021 Forbes listed 40 Pharma Billionaires from the Pandemic - 4 of them made the Forbes 200 list - I'm sure there are more closer now to the top of the list.
Meet The 40 New Billionaires Who Got Rich Fighting Covid-19
Taxpayers funded much of the medical research into the vaccines, and taxpayers and paying now, sometimes 1700% above the manufacturing price for those drugs and vaccines.
Very true. Unclear who may win that race to a cure.. One RVer has said the vaccine will contain nano particles that have a nefarious purpose. Apparently it’s related to Edward Riordan’s RV from the crypto group belief that this virus will excite in the presence of the worldwide 5G satellite broadcast that is planned when enough satellites are in orbit. Over 500 from Elon Musks SpaceX have been launched with a goal of somewhere around 1000. Ed said our brain will be affected. Who knows? Watch for the false flag comment that 5G causes CV. It does not. It may act upon it.
It feels a lot better in here. I’m glad the temperature has cooled down in this heated thread. None of us really knows all the answers right now anyway.
Yeah it does. Didn’t like how JC ridiculed & lectured you then worse by condescending finishing with “thanks for the effort.” Had another user say he was attacked too and let it go. Called JC a bully. Realize I would be next target but ok. JC promised to insult me my every post but won’t respond as it was reported by William. I’m glad. If you don’t see me we probably both got kicked off. It’s ok. None of us has all the answers. However there are certain RVers I have great respect for. Often use their reports to support or not ideas here. Just like Alien Interview which I thought at first was absurd I keep coming back to Edward Riordans sessions. Important to realize this first started with him having “bad feeling” 3 years ago and viewed it. Then 3 years later it came up again during a viewing that was for Courtney’s crypto group. Those are accurate. Anyway if he is correct the “event” is not the virus but high frequency broadcast by a group of satellites (Starlink by SpaceX) that affects the virus in infected people. Said it causes damage in their brain synapses that makes them more “Borg” like (like from Star Trek). Urge you to watch it again. Almost science fiction but from a guy who predicts crypto prices. Keep posting girl. Remember it’s not 5G causes CV but 5G affecting those already with CV.
Hey Adrian, I hope you are well. This is my last post in this thread. So this post is a long one.
You created this thread, so I am posting here to apologize to you for an incident that took place here a couple of days ago.
I received two science papers from a common friend of both of us through the links that she had posted on this thread. These papers somehow deal with 5G, 60GHz, and the SAR covid-2 virus. I personally have no interest in 5G and 60GHz. But I decided to review these papers to do a favor for our common friend who is very focused on these three elements.
Someone in this forum (subject 1) had mockingly called me Dr. Claude. He was wrong because, as you obviously know, Claude is not my last name, it is part of my first name. But although subject 1 was mocking me, he was absolutely right to call me doctor because I have two doctorates in science and more…. Therefore, I am very well qualified to review science papers and lecture in science topics if I so desire.
I reviewed the two science papers as it is done when scientific publications are reviewed. And the conclusion that I reached was that the papers did not show any link/relationship whatsoever between 5G/60GHz and the SAR covid-2 virus. In addition, one of the paper was really an ad piece with some dubious science; therefore it is not a scientific paper in the traditional way. But I read it and was truly generous in my review…
The conclusions that I reached in the review had nothing to do with our common friend who provided the links for these papers. How could she be responsible for the sloppy work presented in those papers? She did not write them for God sake! The authors wrote them; consequently my review was reflective of their scientific knowledge, skills and understanding.
But somehow, subject 1 wrote and has been writing all over that I had ripped our common friend up! And he had to defend her!
In reality, I felt that I was doing her a favor by telling her the TRUTH, that the papers did not show a link/relationship between 5G/60GHz and the SAR covid-2 virus. But I also added that it did not mean that a link might not exist. But more work needs to be done to show the link.
After I posted the paper review, our common friend posted a David Ickes’ video on covid-19…etc. I mistakenly thought that this video was addressed to me specifically because we had been communicating about covid-19, 5G and 60GHz but I was partly wrong. The video was not addressed to me specifically, it was addressed to the whole forum.
Nevertheless, thinking that David Ickes’ video was addressed to me, I wrote a post where I nicely explained the process used in science to get accurate information. I felt that I had to talk about this process, to explain why this video and the internet in general, are not the places that I (or anyone in science) would go to get the accurate information needed to make decisions on science matters. I did not want our friend to keep wasting her time providing me links, videos…from the internet that I was not going to use.
Immediately after I submitted the paper review post, I submitted a second one where I simply told our friend that for the time being, my attention and focus are not on 5G and 60GHz. I had forgotten to add this detail in the paper review post. I live in a small community where the internet is temperamental and not always reliable. So, I did not see the post that our friend had probably submitted at the same time when I sent my second post. And in her post she was telling me that David Ickes’ video was not addressed to me only but to the whole forum.
It was about 2 hours later that I saw our friend’s post, and I immediately apologized but I was busy and did not put her name in the post. I also saw subject 1 nasty post to me, and I decided to ignore it. I was busy. Sometime later, I saw more nasty posts from subject 1. I then put an addendum to my apology, and specified that the apology was specifically for our friend. Subject I had assumed that I was apologizing to him because my apology had appeared below his post. And this was followed with more nasty posts. Later on, I submitted a second post specifying again that my apology was addressed to our friend. I have no problem admitting my mistakes but I will never apologize for something that I didn’t do.
Prior to this situation with the paper review post, there was a series of incidents (insults and name calling…) with subject 1. In short, I was being berated and called names for not understanding or for missing important facts in science related to covid-19 and its virus, SAR covid-2! I just laughed, and mainly ignored the insults and snappy remarks, or gave some relatively mild counter-punches. But I decided to do something more forceful when for the second time, subject 1 jumped uninvited in an interaction that I was having with someone else, and in this situation with subject 2.
Therefore, I made it very clear to him that I would reply forcefully each time that he would mention my name or refer to me in his posts. And I did. However, ultimately, I used quite a lot of restraint in my replies… I guess we can say that it seems to be working so far.
As subject 2 wrote in his second post related to this incident, indeed we had a brief interaction a couple of weeks ago after the Death Traps video was released. At that time, we were all trying to get a good grasp on this topic so that we could decide what to do after we transition in this life.
As of now, my position is that I will not come back on earth after this life. I’m not interested in having my mind wipe out again and become a milking cow for the demiurge who controls life on earth with his extended deceptive supporting acolytes. Some members of this forum feel otherwise, and would like to reincarnate here again and that’s perfectly fine, Free Will obliges.
I don’t have the fine details of my interaction with subject 2 but I definitely remember his initial posts as being quite forceful and inappropriate, with a tinge of religious undertone and correctness. Essentially, he had some interesting questions that only he could answer, if he had done his homework. In a nutshell (and yes I do say that !!), he was sort of asking to be convinced why he should not reincarnate on earth after this life, the reason been that he currently has a good life, so coming back was a good alternative.
Fine, I said to myself, you asked me a good question, I would give you a good an answer. I told him that I was very happy to hear that he has a good life now. And I added that in his next incarnation on earth after this life, he would be born a dalit in India. And I would then be very interested to hear how he likes his life.
As he said in your thread, I suppose he got intimidated and got back to me after a while and told me something like: I realize that you don’t want to hear other people’s opinions. I dismissed him because I really did not want to hear his opinion. Then, I had an insight that prompted me to reply to his post. And I told him that I believe that he was a good person (and I still do) and that’s why I was contacting him. I explained that I was not interested in initiating a dialog that would take us nowhere. That it would be a waste of time for both of us.
I don't have to, but I will explain why I was not interested in have a dialog with subject 2. I'm just not interested in interacting with people who have no compassion or care for other people. In my experience, people who tell you “I’m doing well” usually also imply “I don’t give a f..k if a child is dying of starvation in a country where there is a civil war or whatever... I'm doing well and that's what matters. F..k everyone else". And if these egocentric "salauds" want to come back here and reincarnate, so be it. It is not my responsibility to convince them to change their minds. Free Will obliges.
Anyway, I completely forgot that interaction with subject 2. And a couple of days ago when he asked me why I, who “lectures” everyone about science, was posting a video by the notoriously unscientific Linda Moulton Howe. I did not recognize him at all, and simply told him that I do not lecture anyone about anything at all, and certainly not about science because this is not a science forum.
And I added that most of my posts are about OBE, rv and esoteric stuff. Therefore, it is appropriate for me to post LMH and The Moore Show videos here unless Courtney Brown feels otherwise. It was then that subject 1 immediately jumped in and started trashing me again. And at that point, I decided to put a stop in his trolling intrusions. And, after a day or so, subject 2 wrote a post about his prior interaction with me, and he called me a bully. That was when I remembered that I had interacted with him.
I’m certainly not a bully but I will defend myself forcefully if attacked.
One thing that I would like to say to subject 1 and 2 and those who seem to believe that I’m "lecturing" them is to make good use of the Law of Free Will by ignoring my posts. I don’t force you to read my posts, and you will not offend me at all if you ignore them, I do that all the time. But conversely, I can guarantee that no one will be allowed to infringe on my Free Will. I will write what I want to write, and how I want to write it, and will stop only if CB, the owner and sole moderator of this forum, asks me to do so.
It is because of this type of silliness, stupidity and childishness that I don’t do forum. This is not my life. I will no longer post in this thread so that those who consider this thread to be the life line needed for their existence can get all the oxygen that they need.
To close:
Subject 1 = Larry. Subject 2 = Robert Sorenson, I believe.
So long.
Hi Jean-Claude,
We all have are issues, wounds, buttons that can be pushed, expectations of how we should be treated, we came from different kinds of backgrounds and have been habituated to different kinds of behaviours. So sometimes clashes like these are inevitable, usually there can be no winner in a situation like this.
Obviously I cant tell you what to do, but it would be personal growth for both of you if you tried to peacefully coexist here.
Just finished watching Zeus, at the end Courtney summarized, that we here on Earth have a unique experience, in that we learned to live together despite our differences.
I regret the interaction Jean Claude and some comments made. My son came off quarantine and recovered well. I appreciate your concern about him earlier. Hope you are well.
Well since Adrian commented...
I would like to say that I feel a little guilty that my name has been mentioned in these heated arguments quite a lot. It was not my intention to get an argument going but I felt it was important to bring some information to the table to be discussed. The truth is that I respect everyone’s opinion and this kind of forum is the perfect place to get other views and ideas. Some of the information posted on Farsight, I resonate with and I follow with research, some doesn’t resonate at all so I just don’t read it. Either way there is a wealth of information brought to this forum and as Adrian said, we are all very different so we may not always agree with each other but let’s don’t stop sharing ideas and information.
Jean-Claude and Larry, thank you both for making sure I didn’t get lost in “the rabbit hole”. I appreciate both of your opinions and ideas.
Yes it’s easy to get lost Vickie in many ways. My job can be very stressful although nowhere near what our healthcare and first responders face. Im embarrassed for reacting as I did when stressed.
A fresh short video from Dick Algire, with a little bit of remote viewing regarding the current situation.
I believe Dick Algire is seeing the truth of what’s ahead. He even sees the involvement of ETs. Thanks for adding this, Adrian. It’s short and truthful.
Thanks for posting this video Szekely. Yes I believe we are being watched. This also introduced me to the crypto viewing group on YouTube & subscribed. With all that’s going on with the financial markets, currency, debt & world destabilization believe I will explore investing in crypto currency with the help of his forecasts. Also thought this video I will post below was related to this thread although not directly intended by Dick. In this he mentions he was “told” by someone a year ago that airline travel would be severely restricted in 2020. Went on to suggest that all of this may have been “planned” by those who really run this world far in advance - not the Chinese. Comments?
Larry, that’s a good one too. He says all kinds of things in there. Algire is an excellent Rver. Thanks for adding that.
I invested some in cryptocurrency a few years ago. I have a varity but had heard rumors about Ripple (XRT) so I’m HODL to see what happens there.
Vickie they say there are no coincidences. Maybe so. During my trading day I come across a variety of information as I evaluate stocks. Today I took notice of the many banks, Facebook, Amazon, and others making their own or using others crypto in some ways. Took a deeper look and saw banks acting as if they were preparing to be ready to use crypto currency and ditch the dollar at least for banking transfers and institutional client’s saving account valuation, protection, and transfers.Then I see the post from Szekely which links me to Dicks Crypto Group channel on YouTube. Watched other videos there where Dick discusses this and how events will demand crypto assets for financial survival. Dire changes are unfolding before our eyes. They are being revealed to us perhaps before others. We have a little time to prepare but after watching the video at the top of this page again it feels like this is an apocalyptic time. Ed cried. If you have not watched it lately please revisit. Scary
There was so much going on in my life at that time that I didn’t watch it but I will do that right now and get back to you, Larry.
That was a very sobering video, Larry. Adrian, are you a member of their website? Has anyone seen their followup? I’m wondering if it might be a good thing to subscribe to see more. They nailed that one!
Larry, I forgot to add that now I understand what you meant by, the signal. It’s got to be a communications signal that Edward saw.
Vickie, I am a low level subscriber and although I do not hold crypto and am not interested in that, the ten bucks per month fee is well worth it for me as they talk about many other things besides cryptos. The two other main viewers there are Daz Smith and Edward Riordan, both awesome viewers with long histories.
Robert, as Larry said, “there are no coincidences”. I was just looking at the Patreon website and at pricing. I’m not into trading crypto either and I’m just holding mine for a while so wouldn’t be interested in that part but it does say world events are covered. Based on your recommendation I think I will join too. Thanks very much, Robert.
Vickie I don’t believe that was the “signal” as was described in another video posted on this page. In fact in the context of this video it’s not clear or Ed did not want to waste airtime. If you look at his other video on this page he clearly draws a satellite and a broadcast from space. This one says its a high frequency and affects brain synapses. It’s all confusing and speculative. However sobering to me to hear how emotional Ed is with what he saw in light of his verifiable crypto forecasts. How all felt a very bad time for us on earth. Saying April beginning in Feb. First view 3 years ago. We will see. Maybe prepare physically but think spiritually most important. Maybe won’t happen as bad.
Oh I thought it was this one, Larry. Edward did draw a box at top left that said signal but they didn’t mention it. I looked for the video you recommended but there’s so many posts here I can’t find it. I’m looking through Edwards videos posted to YouTube now. I’ll find it! Thanks.
Here is an important video from an actual doctor about the coronavirus craze:
He is a well respected author in the community has authored many books, considered to be in the top 50 in the US.
What he tells in this video:
-This virus is man made, was made in a lab, and names some names who are responsible for it.
-the virus craze that is going on is totally unwarranted, it is not as dangerous as they say, the measures that are taken are more harmfull than the virus itself
-the testing method that is used is useless in diagnosing
-those who are dieing are do so from something that resembles altitude sickness
-he says doctors by and large know whats happening is fake, but remain silent
-that it was planned, there was advance knowledge about a pandemic
He goes into mentioning agendas, like false flags, population controll, vaccines, 5G and its connection to the current crisis, the 60 Ghz that was mentioned in this forum before, RFID chips, taking away soverignity etc.
He says he would rather die than to let his grandchildren to be vaccinated with the new vaccine that may come out.
- mentions how the current social distancing and lockdown can be perpetuated in the future using vaccines, 5G and media controll.
I found this one last night. I’ll watch it later too, thank you, sir!
Szekely, WOW, do you believe this? It supports much of what I have said and posted from Dr Cameron Slidell to 5G to vaccine. Really amazing.
Yes, I believe this guy is very credible, well qualified to speak about it. Everything he talks about makes sense.
What do you say Vickie, this video with Dr. Rashid has been removed too.
Szekey was afraid you would say that. If true our own Dr Fauci started it here, shipped virus to China to avoid our own govt directive to stop, funded it, and now lying to the public on what it is and how to treat it. If this is not exposed the deep state agenda continues. Bill Gates will come up with a vaccine to make this all worse, lose our freedom, our thoughts, and further die in a high frequency world of 5G. This is too crazy to be true.
9/11 was crazy too.
I took a break from the world yesterday and watched this video just now. I’m sure glad I took a break before I watched it.
This video covers almost everything, mentioned and linked about, from almost every person in this thread. It’s all tied together. We all had it right because it all connects together.
Now we know the truth and we have to rise up and say, NO! This won’t happen in my world. I’m with Dr. Buttar, I would rather take a bullet to the head than accept this way of life! If this plan proceeds, the majority of humanity will be dead and the next generation will be trans-humans.
I’m sharing this video with every single person I know. Adrian, you nailed this one too!
Twitter is sure on to this video. The minute I posted it, it got buried and next I will get a notice that I posted something they don’t like so I will be in the Twitter jail until they decide. You know it’s a truthful video. They can’t even use the word 5G in it.
Vickie, For what’s it’s worth, I know my congressman personally. Sent him this video and to both my state’s senators. Buttar has more good videos on his site. It is weird how so much is tied together — the ER dr from NYC, Edward Riordan, comments from Bill Gates on vaxx/pop control, news reports on virus origins, and the pending space based 5G satellite rollout from Elon Musk’s SpaceX. What a time to be alive. Still the video at the top of this page is relevant and so depressing as still appears correct. I look outside and it’s beautiful. My dog is gonna walk me around the golf course here😄🐶
I completely agree, Larry. It’s all tied together. Don’t forget that Dr Buttar said that President Trump is fully aware of the situation. It’s not all dark at the end of this tunnel.
It’s beautiful here too. The sun is bright and I’m spending the day outside. I’m taking my dogs to the mountains. 😀
Here it is! The SMOKING GUN! Here’s where COVID19 came from and why it was created.
Nice development Vickie, maybe there will be some level of accountability.
The original video with dr Rashid has more than 5 million views by now.
There is a similar russian video /I'm half russian/ with 3 million views.
The world is catching up.
Yes it is! There is no doubt President Trump is taking Fauci down. He’s the man behind the whole event. Trump already withdrew the US out of the WHO because it’s completely corrupt and run by no other than the man who stands to gain billions and of course power, one of the biggest criminals in the world, Bill Gates, and his very bad vaccines. Fauci is the puppet that got this COVID19 rolling and he and his good friend Obama knew exactly what they were doing. Trump has said he is going after them both!
Trump has a 3 step plan to open the US back up and he’s moving forward!
There was a video interview posted here a week ago with Dr. Rashid A Buttar, where he was talking about the negative effects of vaccines, 5G, and the dangerous precedents set by the current lockdown.
It has been removed by youtube after more than 9 million views.
Now its uploaded on bitchute:
Adrian, I can’t find your comment so I’m answering here. All the videos that told the truth are gone. That’s pretty telling but guess what? I checked this out through many sources and it true! We all did really find the right answers and the very culprit himself and Trump is fully aware.
BOOM! (For your listening pleasure!)
No fan of Fauci after what I learned in Buttar but anytime I hear a computer voice narration on a cheesy video don’t believe it. If an indictment exists or imminent we would at least hear something on Fox or on another somewhat credible source. BTW big asteroid fly by on Monday. Also surprised Courtney would remove videos and posts from this site. Does this appear true?
That’s the video I chose, Larry but as always do your homework. It’s all over the Internet but you won’t see any sealed indictments for any person on TV. At least for right now. It’s all there in reliable sources all over the Internet.
I have noticed posts disappearing too. Are we being censored here? I’m a paying member so..
Conspiracy theorists all over the internet are peddling, "sealed indictment" rumours supposedly about "insert well known celebrity here" they have been for years. It is utter rubbish. Not one piece of "real verifiable evidence" is ever provided. It is just hopium. For some reason, a lot of people seem to like the black vs white, good vs bad scenarios being peddled. When in reality, life has always been simply different shades of grey. No one on any white horse is coming to save us...