Here's another interesting thought. If we're led to believe the elite are somehow in the know, then why would mass casualty events be planned? Why would we ever fear a WW3? If there was a nuclear holocaust and billions of people died, there would be no one to recycle them again, at least not for a very long time. In fact, it behooves them to not kill off large batches of us in a single event.
In terms of wars, the real controllers (off planet) harvest more energy when millions off souls are killed in a time of war ..... lots of fear, hatred, and bad emotions to feed off. As far as losing people, that's not a problem. Since 1900, we have had two world wars and hundreds of smaller wars killing off hundreds of millions (if not billions) of people, yet the world population has grown exponentially since 1900. That's why they sell 'sex' without responsibility fo much. They know humans will kill and replace in good measure. In the end, it's just energy harvesting, and like cattle production, they know how to kill and to breed in good measure. It's up to humans to understand the situation and refuse to war. In my case, I refuse to breed because I am not willing to let them harvest my off spring.
We here, on this 3d planet, operate at this low level, our vibration is suitable only for manifestation. Our planet is now moving into a higher dimension area, high 4th or 5th and we should be feeling the effects. I believe our deaths soon will negate the death trap's pull and we will end up on another planet with a higher vibration but this is only for those of us who are seeking a spiritual awakening. We need to understand that all is an illusion, fear and anger holds us back. Everything is only an experience, there's no good or bad and be thankful for the opportunity for what comes our way. What we experience is ours alone, "everything we see", so don't pass it off as somebody else's problem...we are all one! Soon on a new planet without conflict but still interesting new experiences for us to chew on!
If "all is an illusion..." as you are saying, then does it even make sense to worry about the death traps since they are illusions too?
You also say: "...we are all one." That's really true. And once a person truly gets that in every cell of his/her body, then an irreversible change takes place. The person will never cause harm to anyone or anything else because he/she will be hurting himself.
What is meant is that physical matter is an illusion. Everything that exists is frequency, super positions of frequency and wave packets of frequency as Courtney would say. We abide by the rules of physicality during our time of incarnation. After we die we are subject to the hierarchical laws of frequency life and are usually processed according to our frequency development and achievement unless we choose to do something else and can get away with doing so. Monroe says that God is many levels beyond where we can go and if we get too close we bliss out and forget to return. All is one when we rise to the point of losing our personality and merge with the God consciousness, being here is a long way from being there. Near death experiences seem to be useful in achieving the awareness you speak of but I do not recommend doing the Flatliner thing to get there.
I agree and understand Michael a Reid. However when you say “ After we die we are subject to the hierarchical laws of frequency life and are usually processed according to our frequency development and achievement unless we choose to do something else and can get away with doing so” that would not be true if the death trap exists. If our vibration has elevated how could it be simply irrelevant in that our soul is captured at whatever frequency maybe and sent back to a place that is lower?
In the Monroe and Moen books there are 27 levels, in the second death result in the "Death Traps" no one was sent anywhere. There were other souls that the soul knew in life and they were talking and relaxing. Level 27 is like the spa or resort level where you can relax and proceed at your own pace. There are things you can do to help or activities you can become involved in if you wish or do research. There is the past life review and higher entities may suggest a future life that may be beneficial but always with several optional lives as well. Or you can work at level 10 or be a spirit guide or do other spirit work. Sylvia Browne says her spirit guide only had one incarnation which was so traumatic that she decided not to come back as an incarnation. There are other considerations that need to be looked into as well such as the nature and limitations of our planet and Solar system which I lay out in the "opposing point of view" thread. It is not so much an opposing point of view as a "how do these facts fit in and modify the concept?" with two brilliant videos that everyone would benefit from watching. You can always go to the Monroe institute and with OBE training go exploring on your own, with enough effort everything can be validated or disproved.
What of the notion or research that has it that the levels you talk about are still within the matrix/patrix and thus under the control of the invader force that has us all enslaved in the first place? Apparently Enki, Marduk et al, have ascension levels set up for another way to trick "new agers" into staying here. Upon death the choices given are reincarnate or get a job, which is, become an ascended master, angel on and on and then move up his levels inside this same trap. Everything in this construct is made to be so complex which in and of itself is a way to trap souls, in my opinion. The third option is to just get out. Go up through the grid. Supposedly it is that simple, if you can leave your attachments and beliefs behind that is; so simple, the vast majority of human souls will never find this path. The thing is, if you have fear or haven't worked through the fact of leaving loved ones behind, then there is a great possibility you won't decide to leave at the last minute. For me, the fear of the machine kingdom and having my soul caught up in the cloud for ever makes going back for another reincarnation round a no go. That and knowing of the memory wipe, no way.
I don't think that if this "Death Trap Machine" has been "Fully 100% Optimally Functioning" for literally "Billions of Years"
By just a few simple "Twists and Turns" we can break out of it
It is just not that simple
That Machine was designed with a purpose
It in itself is probably much more older then even the Human Race itself
It probably was used in a countless other planets across the universe
We are no different
I simply do not think that we with what little mental capacity or PSI or ESP can so easily do a "Shake Rattle and Roll Mental Twist" and "Boom We are Free"
It does not happen like that
And this goes for all the people across the world from OZ's to Japan to North America
I really wonder what they will think when a "Truth Reality" like this sets in - into their "Simple Minds"
It Just Does not happen like that
So how is everyone accepting this new "paradigm of life"
Nothings beats the "Truth"
And it sure beats all the "Lies of Dis-Information of Disclosure"
There is "One more thing"
Farsight also RV that there is a Race of Reptilians deep under Area 51
These Race of Reptilians are the ones from Orion and whom are the Makers of this Death Trap Machine
They are they ones that set this thing up for us
What do you think will happen when they see that - "Their Prisoners are breaking out of their prison"
All this happening right under their reptilian snouts
Well the slightest instance of us "Even in the midst of breaking out" is enough to trigger these reptilians off
You see the Gov is in a marriage to these Reptilians since how many decades ago
So The Gov of USA possibly have to be "Very Extra Careful with how this is handled"
"Very Extra Careful"
If ever one day "They call off the Marriage" I think there will be Big Trouble up ahead - Big Trouble
You see - As part and parcel of this strange marriage - We get "Some sort of Protection" from these Reptilians
Protection from being "Vaporized by the other Alien Races out there"
If one day these Reptilians calls off the marriage and leave
Earth will "Immediately be Plundered and Sacked"
This is our reality
And this is our Strange Marriage with the Reptilians
Here I would like to draw your attention to "Buck Rogers of the 25th Century"
In the Story of Buck Rogers - It tells of a Human Race from a planet that has a "Alien Intervention Clean Origin"
That Humans evolved from the planet and then took to space and became a "Space Force"
This story is the Ideal Story because "No one Seeded Buck Rogers"
Now lets bring "Our Earth Story into the Picture"
We are "Test Tube Seeded Babies" from a countless number of Alien Races in our History
Our Space Force is probably - a countless iteration of the Test Tube Seed by some alien forfathers
If our Space Force go out there into the Galaxy where "Literally Alien Gods Exists"
Do you think they would not know of our past history and origins ?
In fact probably the "Entire Whole Sectors of our Milkyway" probably knows of our "Test Tube Seeded past"
We will merely be "Pawns of some other Controlling Race" - The Reptilians
This will "Forever be what humanity is all about"
This is our Strange Marriage to these Reptilians - Our ForeFathers - Our Makers
We are "No Buck Rogers in the 25 Century"
We are "Just Pawns"
Until the Ends of Time
Dr Bowman that was a very thoughtful reply and much I could agree with. However it is a message of hopelessness. Maybe many in the human race would resign themselves to such despair. I can understand doing so if what you say is true. However many will not. Maybe these test tube DNA designs of us has created a body and mind that with our soul can do more than we or the reptilians can imagine or possess. Even before this remote viewing video I found negativity in our history and condition in Interview with an Alien. It became depressing after coincidentally reading Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls. However even the author of that book, Nigel Kerner, sees great hope in our spirit, human creativity, and imagination. It gives me far more hope than I believe you see.
That sounds like an opposing view. You should go to the opposing view thread and see my post there which has a couple of really cool videos and brings up some other issues as well. I like your reply and I think it works really well with my other post. All of this is bigger and more complicated than we can comprehend from a cursory look.
This video more or less covers 2 of the 4 after death outcomes written about in the book "The Seventh Sense" by the great remote viewer Lyn Buchanon. He followed 36 people through the death experience and his other two outcomes were that the soul blinked out as if it had never existed and for the other the soul went into a young adolescent kind of like bar mitzvah. So I would suggest that we still may have some exploring to do yet.;
Received an email from Courtney Brown in which he stated, "Rest assured that there is much more to come."
Ok. It looks like I am the first person in 4 years to post here. I just finished watching he Death Trap movie and then read the Alien Interview book. The obvious question people are trying to figure out is how to escape. I would like to point out two things. First, the Domain lost 3,000 crew members in an attack by the Old Empire. These people were highly evolved emotionally yet they are still trapped here and have been unable to escape. I’m not sure meditation tricks will work. However, there is a small detail that seems to have been overlooked. We have at least one example of an actual escapee. Aril (Roswell Alien Survivor). On one hand she says that we have not been visited by alien races because they are worried about getting trapped in the recycling system. But then she dies and returns to the base on the Asteroid. How did the Aril IsBe escape? Perhaps this needs to be a new target.
This goes hand to hand with several discussions we had here on the forums. It is seems to me that there are contracts and agreements made in order to came and go in this system, i think Courtney talked about this it terms of their own path. There is also hypnose sessions that shows this happening, although we are not so sure as to who or what or how this process happens in terms of "accessing" that knowledge. It seems also, that many came here with an agenda, although knowing they are going to go through the death traps process.
Airl left the artificial body before it was zapped so she did not become disoriented and wander into the "death traps" which, based on two entirely different outcomes in the video, seems to be reserved for people who may be problematic in the afterlife. Good people get a pass on the "death traps" according to the second soul's outcome. The Alien Interview reads like a puff piece for the bug and has some factual inaccuracies like the 20,000 year catastrophe cycle which is a 12,000 year catastrophe cycle, coming in the next 20 years or so. Best evidence
What you are saying seems reasonable. But what about the 3,000 Domain crew that were attacked and are still here. I would argue that they are not they would not be "problematic" in the afterlife. Why were they not considered "Good People" to get a pass? Why have they not been able to figure out how to get out of here? There seems to be something missing . I would like to see an RV where Target A is Aril and how she escaped. Target B would be members of the 3,000 crew and how they failed to escape.
Enemy combatants sounds problematic to me. You may need to ask the aliens inside the hollow moon who have likely been there for 10 million years, refugees from their blown up planet from the farsight video War in Heaven. Some say they have made humanity more warlike, maybe to kill off and bury enough people so that too many people dying all at once with no one to bury them will not stink up the place too bad. You know, from the pole flip 90 degree rollover leaving only several hundred million to rebuild. Imagine up to 8 billion Jesus Wal-Mart greeters waiting to usher us all into the afterlife. With everything under water or rattled to the ground this is truly the Gilligan's Island planet of the Universe. No matter what kind of dystopian hellscape our leaders create, it all gets washed away and we get a fresh start every 12 thousand years, that is the beauty of this planet.
Commenting a day after watching the most recent Harvey episode, so I may be off on this question, but.... Did Harvey say "they" can get 98% of us out now? If he did say that, I take it he was referring to the death traps? Doooo we not have to worry about the death traps anymore? Did anybody else catch that statement about getting us out. I am almost positive Harvey said that; I'm just too lazy to go back and click through to find it... In summation: what does that statement mean?! I feel it was a BIT glossed over.
Here's an interesting perspective:
I interpreted what Harvey said to be something like, they can “save” people who aware that such a thing is possible and desirable. Maybe there is also a finite window before the light and the electroshock memory wipe to have that intention. I have watched Brett Stuart’s Moksha video and many interviews with and the recent book by Isabella Greene suggesting specific strategies for escape. It then Harvey said he’s got me so I was literally like awesome, no need to fear death, this month Farsight subscription just paid for itself. I am totally serious. What a relief.