This correlates with what Wes Penre has written. He adds much detail, including historical context. Both Technical Intuition and the Farsiilght Institute corroborate aspects of the WPP (Wes Penre Papers).
Basic Concepts:
1. There is conflict in the greater universe between freedom, creativity, expression, evolution and control, parasitic manipulation, devolution.
2. A soul barrier using advanced technology surrounds the earth.
3. Deception is used to keep us here through both seduction and fear.
4. Our memories are wiped in a traumatic way and we are recycled.
4. There is a way to escape if you know how and prepare yourself.
5. You must find the way to free yourself.
6. You cannot help anyone from within this construct.
Can you conquer your fears and resist seduction?
its wrong, !
the trap is only for evil/dont undestand , /comon people , = go to work arn mate etc
so sorry had to say
Ya, it seemed like the the bad ones went to the bad place, while the good ones bypassed it. One viewer seemed concerned about "fairness" of the trap and whether it distinguished who would get caught in the trap. In Courtney's summary he too seemed to suggest the trap was all round a bad and destructive experience that just recycled people back to earth (reincarnation) apparently in "worse" shape. So I'm not sure if the go to hell for punishment, then get reincarnated with some sense to be better this time and hope for escape from the recycling trap, is really part of the plan. It sounded like the victim is basically "doomed". This align's with TechnicalIntuition that reported that those souls/spirits get siphoned of their energy then recycled until they have no power left, basically a shell (ghost). It seems to me the trap isn't so much a mechanism for the evolution of bad people, but just malevolent with no hope of escape. If this is the case, I would be suspicious of the criteria the trap uses to distinguish good from bad.
this time , he is NOT wrong but ,,
don't put it on one point !
like i like aziz, crazy guy !!! he focuse,,,, what why etc etc
thank you
i know , you gonna tell me who i am ,
So it seems all the "Wrongness and Wrongful People" in the Whole World will get their "Just Deserts" in the end
and Well so it seems that in actual "Fact" "Everyone is a Criminal of some sorts"
There is "No Escape for Everyone"
Sort of brings a "Closure for me"
So what I would really like to know is "How are they going to get out of this one"
When they are already here for Billions of years being processed through the grinder - Everyone gets it in the end
This Sort of brings a Big Big "Closure for me"
For some of these people - A race will start to figure out if there is any "Truths" in this Farsight Video through their intel channels
And "Lo and Behold" "They" will in the end know that "It is Really is For Real"
They called us Criminals back then ... Now the Facts are that
That "This World is actually full of people which are Actually the Most Hardened Criminals that was Rejected by some other Planets and there is no other place for them but here"
These People can now struggle all they want - But no matter how they twist and turn - They cannot hide the "Fact that they are actually hardened and rejected criminals or rejects from some other place"
This "Really Really Really" bring a "Big Big Big Closure" for me
You mean, we are all screwed? Life-after-life permanent sentence to prison planet earth? I can't believe there isn't any way to get out. I mean, we are all imperfect and make mistakes, but a lot of people really try their best to be the best humanitarian they could be and others remorseful of their past way of life. That's gotta be worth something, unless we are dominated by real evil beings who can't make the distinction and deserved to be here themselves. Evil can't win, it consumes itself in the end. It does seem there are some very malevolent powerful forces out there that have been running the show at least in our neighborhood, but surely malevolence can't be the predominant universal force. Please say it ain't so.
Being called into the court of Anubis to weigh the heart is a metaphor for, "Did you bother to work on your personal inadequacies that show up on the spectrum of light, sound and frequencies that you came in with?"
If one did make the conscious manifest effort, then death doesn't really hold anything over you. It is a doorway, and you have determined what work you are going to do without breaking continuity.
Great info. Nobody is going to save you. You must to free yourself.
Until I heard this from Farsight, I honestly didn't know what to think about it. Considering the "Black Sun" connections (Antartica structures, too) and with the troubles humanity is experiencing now, this is all starting to make more sense (in terms of puzzle pieces). I hope Farsight will release more about this soon. Knowledge is power and there is power in numbers. I read that, to date, there hasn't been any effort to discover and dismantle these apparent structures that keep us coming back. I suspect there is much more to learn about it.
We can now see a larger picture with the (US) Black Programs, the Space Program (human trafficking) etc. etc. it makes me wonder what others such as Emery Smith may know and aren't discussing openly.
Good point! Yes, you look around how crazy bad things have become recently in the world, it's like their is a war on good sense, especially with Soros billions funding chaos and destruction across the world reducing civilized society to its lowest common denominator. But ya, Farsight's revelations seem to make more sense of what is going on, how things are being manipulated by malevolent beings and not for our human benefit.
A Man named ***Ahem*** Joh* Lea* ***Ahem*** who is a UFO Guy once said
That on the Moon is a Structure or a Building that is a few miles wide and high
It is where all the souls go to when they die
When you go into the tunnel of light you are actually going into this building or structure on the moon
And that when you are inside this thing
You will get all memories wiped out and then get sent back on earth
Is this the reason why ... the Boss of USA and a lot of others keep on saying
We need to go back to the moon ???
To do something to this Multi Mile size Building ???
Bob Sanders and others have said that their is an AI device on the darkside of the moon that is manipulating and influencing things here on earth; basically suppressing humans.
From what I understand, the technology is so advanced that it can force (or heavily influence) where our energy (soul) goes after we leave our bodies, therefore forcing us into a perpetual reincarnation cycle with a forced mind-wipe (blank slate). This being a form of imprisonment. If that's the case, and it's really starting to make more sense to me, then there must be a way to disable and/or dismantle it (or even thwart it). Perhaps the forthcoming updates from Farsight will shine some light on these complex matters (I certainly hope).
I don't think humans can dismantle this technology, but those who have awakened can exit through the grid that surrounds our patrix. Look up Wes Penre Productions for information how to do this. It's not hard if you have clear intention to do so, but fear and attachments to loved ones can cause us to be tripped up and sent back. There are no saviors coming to help. We must each exit on our own! The controllers use our emotions and fear against us at every turn. If you so much as pause in your attempts to leave the controllers may send holograms of your dead loved ones or the religious figure of your beliefs to guide you back through the tunnel of light, not to mention the feelings of bliss that are seductive as well. It's up to each individual soul if they want to get out. It wasn't clear to me in the RV sessions that any of the people that died actually left this construct. I almost feel that the second RV session people went straight to the between lives area for a debrief on past lives and didn't actually leave this prison at all. You can bet once they were persuaded to go back to earth another time, they had their memories wiped just the same! I just want to end saying this is what I believe after a lot of my own research, but don't take my word for it, please do your own research and see if this makes sense to you.
I sense there is much more to the matter. For example, presuming there are more advanced beings out there, some of which have been associated with this planet, surely they are also aware of this alleged infrastructure -- so why aren't they working to help dismantle it? Lots of questions that need to be answered still. Let's see what subsequent Farsight RV session reveal; I believe there will be a few on this very topic.
Exactly, I "think" (at this point in "time"), why our great astronauts were told, in effect, "don't come back".
Their control over US is in jeopardy if so we must be careful. IF our black tech is enough, to do this, then
it will be easier for us to go and do whatever WE want to do, after physical body death, either consciously or unconsciously. True Freedom.
Just my current opinion, at this point in our timeline...
I hadn't seen that interview. But, I imagine it would be nearly impossible for average people to disable it. Or would it? We are in a subjugated position with regard to our gov't and their collective interests there. I think it's safe to assume that the powers want to keep this in place.
I had previously understood that (at least) the moon was an artificial structure and that internally it was massive. Lots more information to dig up, but this is really fascinating (and disturbing).