Oh my goodness. The Jacinth stone is like the eyes of a reptilian monster.
I actually saw a black shadow turn into the shape of a little man once, and only eyes appeared in that pure black thing, and they were red like two lazer lights out of where the eyes go. Two red lazer beam lights in a pure black form of a little man.
Maria, was the man hooded, wearing something like a monk's robe, with only the red eyes visible?
No. It was a pure black shadow in the shape of a man, but was only two or so feet tall, with only two red lights for the eyes.
But I did see a hooded entity once. Evil. I didn't see any face, because it was covered by the hood. It was trying to possess me, hence all the weird things that I saw at that time, for three days. It had taken me out of my body while I was sleeping, and it had like a dark brown robe on with a hood over it, and I didn't see any body, just a robe and a hood but a being was in it anyway. And it looked HUGE at first, then made itself smaller so that it was still large, but was more inside the bedroom. And it drew me, with some magnetic energy, out of my body from my bed and made me to float to the ceiling, and when I got to the ceiling my face and body stuck to the ceiling and the thing in that hood robe starts laughing at me, and I was like so upset with it, thinking who the heck are you? And I fell back into my bed. All kinds of strange stuff happened those three days. At the end of the three days, some really beautiful powerful man who wore a robe of light colour but with other jewels like on it? I'm not sure, but nice, and he was beyond, in the span of the room, from the foot of my bed, when that entity was going to jump into my body after I heard all those bees flying outside of my room and turned into the sound of backward talking people in a group that turned into one man talking and now he was standing at the foot of my bed just about ready to jump in me, when that powerful good man, being, showed up behind him, scared him, said to him, do not possess her, and that thing was so angry that he jumped at my side and it felt like a leaden weight hit me, and he flew off away while laughing again, as I woke up out of that stupor of a dream, where it had me stuck, just outside of a dream but inside of the space of my bedroom, and I woke up feeling that weight that had hurt my side. And I was so glad that I had got assistance. That was the end of that. But I never seen a hooded creature before or since that time.
Why? Have you ever seen one?
In meditation i was seeing 4 of them. About 3 feet tall and each standing on a round floating disc. They were careing and polite and were giving me a "tour" on a giant spaceship.
Although the red eyes without a face, only darkness, were scary.
Later i learned that the robe is a protective cover to shield their unbearable radiance from others.
There are other types out there, but these were nice to me.