New details about reported mystery drones flying in several states
NJ "Drone" Thread
JUST IN - Trump demands answers over mystery US drone sightings: "Let the public know, and now. Otherwise, shot them down!!!" Newsnation films the fake airplane drones
Floridians report drone sightings government silence fuels nationwide mystery
I also saw certain activity wear I live two days ago. Saw a possible craft make a u-turn, go dim till almost invisible, flash, go semi-bright again, then dimmed out and disappeared.
This polish group remote viewed the drones appearing in New Jersey. Instead of posting a huge wall of text here I'll just link to a thread I already made recently from a translated reddit comment overview of the information gained from this project:
More reports of street light and other electrical interference.
Radio interference:
All 106.7.
What really???
Perhaps they will begin to communicate with us on 106.7
Just putting this here as well -
Remote Viewing (TransDimensional Mapping) the New Jersey Drones
Birdie Jaworski - No Rivets - Youtube
YouTube written description:
14 Dec 2024 #TransDimensionalMapping #RemoteViewing #NewJerseyDrones
In this video, I share a TransDimensional Mapping session (also known as remote viewing) I conducted on the mysterious New Jersey Drones. This session was performed blind—meaning I had no prior knowledge of the experience ("target") before viewing.
The session took place on December 3 at 2 AM and revealed strange and unsettling details about the situation. As this is Part One, I’ll explore the initial impressions and insights gathered during this session. I’ve since conducted two additional sessions to complete my assessment, which will be covered in future videos.
Join me as I navigate the unknown and uncover the hidden elements behind this enigmatic phenomenon. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and stay tuned for Parts Two and Three!
If the remote viewing information is correct - DO WE HAVE CONTACT?
The Government know - Trump must know - someone knows the truth ...
Lol you beat me by 1 minute Del, I was just gonna post on this
I knew you'd be onto it Tazz 😂
I'm just going to post the transcript in the other thread - it's very interesting - blind target - it's like a riddle. It says a lot about what's happening.
Chase Hughes is one of the partners of The Behavioural Panel - four of the world’s top body language and behavior experts with Scott Rouse, Mark Bowden and Greg Hartley. Together as The Behavior Panel the analyze body language and human behavior in videos of public interest.
How to spot a psyop -
UFO sightings vs. drone activity in NJ
How to recognize a psyop in action
Signs this could be a staged event
The bigger agenda behind UFO narratives
Planned Event? The Truth About NJ’s Drone ‘UFOs
Because the basis of this is in New Jersey - the stray Nuclear Device reports - I'm placing a vid here - some transcript from the 2nd vid, and then some commentary...
BREAKING: Mystery Drones Identified As Nuke Hunters! Intel Says WMD Detection Mission Underway!
Investigating The New Jersey UAP "Drone" Crash Site (Evidence Found)
Guy 1: 18:42 …by the way so it's a breaking news coming out of Jersey apparently there's high level Intel from a verified high-level source from Top Secret special access clearance.
Apparently, these drones are tracking gamma rays l to possible weapons of mass destruction and massive counterterror operations.
Guy 2: What.
Guy 1: Yeah the OFFICE OF GLOBAL ACCESS (OGA) - a shadowy three letter agency, has deployed Advanced Surveillance Assets to hunt for stray nukes. Apparently, there's a missing nuke in this area.
Guy 2: Oh, that's kind of scary bro.
Guy 1: So apparently there's a stray nuke - there could possibly be a mass casualty event - a weapon hidden on the East and the West Coast
Guy 2: That's really scary dude like really really scary.
Guy 1: Apparently the assets that are in play - low altitude surveillance aircraft scanning for signals - special ops units are ready for instant action - cyber Intel teams are analysing Terror networks. So, somebody has misplaced a nuke.
Guy 2: And that's why and you know what that makes sense because we pretty much were saying that it could be the government. The reason why they're not saying anything is because of that.
Guy 1: They lost a nuke - lost a nuke right.
Guy 2: Or someone put it here.
Guy 1: Sources are saying that this could involve a submarine breach. Apparently, somebody breached a submarine. Somehow stole a nuke. I don't know how you can steal a freaking nuke. Hidden in a cargo container or a vehicle they don't they don't even know.
Guy 2: Wait what is this Source
Guy 1: On Twitter Next News network is what it's called.
Guy 2: Oh my gosh
Guy 1: So apparently yeah apparently there's a misplay but that doesn't explain. I think that's a lie. you know why. it doesn't explain why there's drones being spotted all over the world it's not just here, there's drones being spotted in Canada
Guy 2: Yeah it is it's in the UK too and Australia
Guy 1: Yeah and like if that was the case why are they why are drones being spotted in Florida and the beach is coming out of the water like there was a drone coming out of the or not a drone like a UAP coming out of the ocean. that makes no sense I don't know if it's actually a true thing, but…
Guy 2: Oh that's actually terrifying though
Guy 1: if it is true dude if it's true and there's a nuclear bomb that's about to go off and we're here and we're here holy you guys got some great contact coming your way stay tuned.
I wanted to look at this narrative that is being put out by MSM –
Drones are government –
Reports are coming in from the Office of Global Access
The drones are there - trying to detect Gamma Rays
They’re looking for a ‘stray’ Nuclear bomb or some type of Nuke
There’s a threat there might be a mass casualty event
There’s the threat that it will be a terrorist attack
There could be a submarine involved
All these things lead to the ‘Dirty Bomb’ scenario.
If you look up anything to do with ‘Nuclear’ and ‘Dirty Bomb’ you will see countless videos and articles in MSM, NGO’s and government departments, dating back to the early 2000’s. the Dirty Bomb is the big population Security Risk. these articles are also prevalent in the UK and European media.
Special Forces have been training in the Dirty Bomb scenario for years. Governments have been talking ‘Dirty Bomb’ regulations for years – and especially this year (2024).
In one article, the Police have been in training for this as well.
It also fits well as being the narrative for a false Flag/Red Flag scenario event.
Here’s an extract from an article from PoliceOne News 2017:
Protecting the public from an unknown source of radiation is challenging — police departments must use a mix of different sized detectors to locate these threats.
[extract]… A dirty bomb, or radiological dispersal device, combines radioactive material with conventional explosives. The conventional materials explode to spread the radioactive substance, contaminating people and infrastructure with radiation. The potential result is terrifying, impacting human health and greatly disrupting the local economy of an affected area. With better, smaller and less expensive detection devices now on the market, law enforcement is increasingly seeking out these latest tools to detect and prevent this type of terrorist attack.
[extract]… Dispersing radiological material is a way to shut down or interrupt economic activity. A radiological event would be extremely costly to control and clean up. The loss of an important building like a sports stadium or an office tower could disrupt business for an extended period of time. In the case of a stadium, which might take months to clean, booked events would be forced to find another venue.
[extract]… Terrorists may use an incident to create public panic. The highly toxic nature of radioactive materials and their threat to life make them frightening. Even if injuries are minimal in the initial explosion, the radioactive material that citizens inhale or ingest can cause a lasting risk to health, increasing the potential of disease.
[extract]… Tests monitoring the impact of small RDDs show the immediate spread of toxic materials may be minimal. If radioactive particles enter an HVAC system, however, and then flow through the air ducts in a building, the risk to human health greatly increases.
End quotes
This article certainly gives some clues regarding what consequences can be expected if by some chance (a planned chance) that a dirty bomb is planted or dropped somewhere. And by my thinking, it would be more than one.
The biggest impact being the Economic devastation – then Infrastructure damage – and, notice that they are giving as an example a Stadium or large public building where there could be many casualties - Civilian Health seems to be down the list of priorities further than it should be.
And then there was something I remembered from a few years ago – Biden purchased the biggest consignment of Iodine tablets for Radiation poisoning since the Cuban Missile Crisis in 2022.
But what are iodine pills? (quote) Potassium iodide, or KI, offers specific protection against one kind exposure. It prevents the thyroid — a hormone-producing gland in the neck — from picking up radioactive iodine, which can be released into the atmosphere in a nuclear accident. (end quote).
You might see why I am thinking this is looking like part of a planned scenario of sorts.
This article headline says much (as we know the integrity of the outgoing government). You have to ask yourself why this purchase was needed when at the time no threat of Armageddon and radiation poisoning – although the Biden Administration was talking nuclear threats from Russia. At the time of purchase the Israel and Palestine conflict had not started.
From NBC News
7 Oct 2022
The Department of Health and Human Services has ordered a $290 million supply of a medication used for injuries caused by radiation.
Although President Joe Biden warned of nuclear "Armageddon," that's not why the U.S. purchased a supply of a radiation sickness drug, the federal health agency said.
End quote.
Further, the drug was approved by the National Health Administration in 2021 for acute radiation syndrome. It noted that the department began supporting the development of the drug back in 2019 after earlier involvement from the National Institutes of Health and supply totals amounts to about 50,000 courses of the drug.
With the current narrative suddenly coming out – and some news outlets hyping this as angle of lost nukes and gamma rays, we might be able to conclude a False Flag being set up here – years in the making. This is the tantrum we all expected.
Looking for gamma ray signatures
The public learning from MSM about the ‘lost’ nuclear bomb
An incident or Event or multiple incidents and events involving a dirty bomb in a public urban area
An international culprit blamed
Catastrophic damage to infrastructure and citizens
State of emergency, lock down, COG
Economic disruption
Political disruption
Funding and money
Control of citizens
Media lockdowns and censorship
The excuse for every major change planned, locally and Internationally.
So are the bad ETs trying to look as if they’re the good ETs protecting the population from Nuclear explosives, while in actuality, protecting the inevitability of them being planted and exploding?
Who are the Office of Global Access and what are their role?
As I mentioned, the UK and Europe are grappling with their ‘Dirty Bomb’ legislation, and UFOs are being seen in these places as well. Is there the chances of a world wide scenario of the same, being played out?
So, all this may or may not be the plan – but if we can get ahead of the curve we can call them out and maybe bring the good ETs in because something stinks in the State of New Jersey.
According to John Ferguson (the nuke hunters video), the only reason to fly drones at night is to look for something, like a missing nuclear warhead. But his point of view is very limited:
1. The drones are seen worldwide. It's not an American phenomenon.
2. I assume secret technology can detect a nuclear warhead without the need of drones flying around at night.
3. There is another reason to fly around at night with shining lights: They just want to be seen! Of course this explanation makes no sense if you assume that it's government drones, ignoring all other possibilities.
On the most recent project "ET Presidential Manipulators", Courtney asserts that the drones are the Good ET's showing themselves. Considering what we knows about Bluebeam, could Courtney be guessing and is possible incorrect or could this actually be the GF?
Couldn't it be both? What if the Galactic Federation/Confederation is the negative group and bluebeam and them are working together with the negative military human faction.
Both are's two factions fighting with each other for power over the financial system. These people told via Verner bon braun....They'd planned to have a fake alien invasion if ever they got to the point of losing's their backup plan.
All the factions on this planet who wish to be the world dominance and now SSP who wish to be 'Masters of the Universe' have a plan and it's not for humanity.
The bad ETs who controlled this prison planet for thousands of years have lost their power but we also need to as a collective humanity wake up and realize this and kick them off this planet. They wish for you to pick sides....two sides of the same coin, there are no 'good' ones here.