Thanks Michael Roland, for putting in that excerpt. I just found a parallel of sorts:
”There is one more story that we would like to share and will ask
you to write, as it might be relevant for your people to remember it,
although it started around fifteen million years before your
Fifteen million years BEFORE YOUR CONCEPTION. Our coming into BEING, as a Human race, that is.
Is what I think the Elder Sasquatch is saying.
Which brings me to the translated text "The Paraphrase of Shem" that I've been studying. It says something VERY similar. About Humanity coming into existence at a certain point. And from what this Shem article talks about, which sounds ancient-old, billions and then millions of years ago, and then brought to the present day, and in such a short writing, but WHAT A writing! in a totally unique multidimensional language, it's fascinating!
Here's the part I was talking about:
The Paraphrase of Shem (pg 353 in the 1988 James M. Robison edited book):
"And in her ignorance (dark Nature), as if she were doing a great thing, she granted the demons and the winds a star each. For without wind and star nothing happened upon the Earth. For every power is filled by them after they were released from the Darkness and the fire and the power and the light. For in the place where their darkness and their fire were mixed with each other, beasts were brought forth.
And it was in the place of the Darkness, and the fire, and the power of the mind, and the light, that Human Being came into existence. Being from the Spirit, the thought of the Light, my eye, exists not in every man. For before the flood that came from the winds and the demons, rain came to men."
You see the language used? Think about this; 'For in the place of their laboratory, where the demented darkened beings and their fiercesome desires were mixing genes together in their frenzy to genetically manipulate all the kinds of strange monsters that they wanted to see, of what use they could make of them.'
And you can see that Human Being, and beast are NOT the same thing. It describes it in the Paraphrase of Shem that there was GOODness and TRUTH, BEFORE, the idiotic darkness decided to do whatever he wanted to do, without thought of any consequences of his actions.
Multidimensional language is in this translated text.
You have to look at it from many angles, because it tells many stories in a sentence or two. And just like the Elder Sasquatch has experienced many different times, and timelines, and events leading up to today, so it shows the same principle in this Paraphrase of Shem, that the Son of Infinite Light is trying to portray to Shem, that every different layer of experience, while fighting this war against Darkness and dark Nature, he has had a different structure in which he existed, with its own unique language. In other words, they didn't speak English back then. They spoke a different language. I think this is important to note, so that people could recognize that some of the way others describe things, or the translations of ancients texts, may not be easily comprehendable to those who don't realize this.
Page 358, The Paraphrase of Shem, in the Nag Hammadi Library edited by James M. Robinson, 1988:
"Do not let your thought have dealings with the body.
[my explanation, because the body is temporary and we have many experiences outside of this one single body we have on at the moment].
For I have said these things to you, through the voice of fire, for I entered through the midst of the clouds [in Space somewhere, or inbetween Space's spaces -my comment] And I spoke according to the language of each one. This is my language which I spoke to you. And it will be taken from you. [like when we're incarnated into the Earth, they mind-wipe us -my comment] And you will speak with the voice of the world upon the Earth. And it will appear to you with THAT appearance and voice, and all that I have said to you. Henceforth proceed with Faith to shine in the depths of the world."
[meaning, have faith in yourself when you think you've figured something out, or saw something in yourself that doesn't quite resemble the place you're living in, but seems to be from some, as though fantasy world, because it was another space, another place, where you first got that insight -my comment].
You see?