Yes, perhaps, but the concept has been around for a thousand years.
The world is not going to hell in the handbasket!
I love you guys.
Yes, perhaps, but the concept has been around for a thousand years.
The world is not going to hell in the handbasket!
I love you guys.
I think I understand now. A secret group trying to overthrow the government?
Sure, and this rumour is widespread & in-your-face. How come there was no inkling of a clue when JFK got his head blown off in broad daylight? When it comes to overthrowing anyone, there is none more guilty than the American Empire herself. Does anyone remember the attempted poisoning of Castro? What a joke.
Nope not the govnt and that kind of the whole point of this possible operation. Taking out the bad actors in the USA govnt is the first step
But that’s why it would be an interesting topic. To see if this is real or a waste of time psyc-op that is fooling millions of people around the world.
I'd love to see Skinwalker Ranch remote viewed. Would like to know what goes through the portal or whole in the sky and it's purpose and What entities exist on this area. Thank you
If it was as a result of a real Skinwalker that's black magic that means there was a murder that took place of a couple children if it's a skin walker black magic location often done by I think the Navajo I don't know I can't remember but if it's that's why I'm wondering why it's called skin-walker otherwise yeah
Why us it called skin Walker...
Hi Julie, I found this on-line: "Its name is taken from the skin-walker of Navajo legend concerning malevolent witches."
There was a remote viewer on Linda Moulten Howe's podcast who mentions remote viewing Skinwalker Ranch. He says there's an underground base and that the aliens behind this are like a bio android controlled from somewhere else
July 8, 2020 - UFOs and Skinwalker Ranch / Psychic X Remote Views Mage, UFO Mystery -VIDEO UPDATED
Thank you! I will check this out.
When i was a kid i was fascinated with the Voroneth (Rusia) UFO case. Plenty of witnesses and really weird stuff like the aliens made somebody disappeared with a sort of weapon to later make the guy appear again. The was a little android too. And that was all under the secrecy of the USSR. That would be a good one
Hello. I do not know how you would approach looking for this target. I think Farsight should remote view the origin of us being genetically modified. I know that normal human beings live for a thousand years, and in ancient times we did, but some where along the way we genetically modified our life expectancy to a cycle and cap of 120 years. Thus compared to normal humans or what you might call extraterrestrials, we are ageing outwardly very quickly and have a rapidly accelerated history, 10x as normal, thus our brain development has very short time to develop great cognition and a quality social system, but our bodies have already aged to the very old stages already. I also know we are genetically modified in two other key areas, in terms of aesthetics, very beautiful compared to normal humans what you call extraterrestrial races which are not our extraterrestrial ancestors, and the other area is that we are very aggressive and love war, if you google “warrior gene” the scientists even named it that way. I reckon long long ago we were breeded as a slave race of warriors with a reduced life expectancy to ensure we could never grow a brain big enough to turn on them before we died, to defend them so they could live the high life. But since then for whatever reason they are now long gone, and we have started a new civilisation, even if a very short one, and we have no idea about this fact today. Well some do obviously but certainly not part of the education system as an acknowledgement. Good work, this is my suggestion for a viewing, I do no know how to approach this target but I know this is a real reality so would be interesting what other conjectures come out of it. Thank you.
Hello Courtney,
Stock market, precious metal, and digital currency predictions can help the fight. Money is one of the strongest tool to fight back.
I like the idea that use RV to change the mind of public, and use it to spread the idea of Alien exists. Current system is to use money to control public. Many people are brain washed to make money in exchange for human values and dignities. Money is the tool elites use to slave and control. The one Percent control the 99% by extreme wealth. QE infinity is putting a lot more money from future into the richest. It is money that keep those elites in power. To fight back, I suggest Farsight can make all members much wealthier by posting more stock, gold and digital currency trend to help members navigate smoothly through the transition. Money is the still the tools to control us but we can also use money to fight back even in the coming era of digital currencies.
This will increase Farsight memberships and change public opinions and beliefs a lot more if your predictions works well because money still has magical power to change people as mainstream has been doing the same thing to control our thoughts.
It would be interesting to remote view the origins of the HIV/AIDS virus. It would also be awesome to keep up the trend of remote viewing ancient historical or legendary figures, maybe remote view the god Quetzalcoatl. A couple ancient advanced cultures like The Olmec who disappeared without a trace. Also the Indus Valley civilization which many people believe was destroyed with nuclear weapons. Maybe Rajastan which still has nuclear radiation in the area and high rates of cancer. With the recent rediscovery of the city of Dwarka, it would be interesting to remote view Krishna who founded the city. One more suggestion, the aerial battle that Alexander the Great saw on his arrival to India. It seemed very similar to the Nuremberg celestial battle.
While on the subject of sunken cities, hy-brasil is an island off the coast of Ireland as seen on ancient maps.
Yeah! Also, remember the Rendlesham forest UFO incident. The man touched the small drone like craft UFO and he was instantly hit with a huge complex series of binary. In the binary were earth coordinates to Hybrasil.
The coordinates from the binary code (52.0942532N 13.131269W) point to a mythical island called Hy-Brasil.
The island is now submerged off the coast of Ireland.
"Hy-Brasil, the other Atlantis"
It would also be interesting to remote view the legendary Thor.
* AIDS/HIV = absolutely... it was a hoax by the same people who did the covid hoax... Fauci was involved in both... So it would be good to maybe target FAUCI in person... go in his brain, find the entites, say hello to the rep. boss... + probe his secret (lodge?) network in real life and the hierarchy... Would be good to include Dick A. for this one!
* More South America! Olmecs... Viracocha... we want Quetzalcoatl face to face with Aziz and Yeme :)
Election Day, November 3rd, 2020. I have a feeling it will be a confusing time. Maybe targer biggest headline of the day and also the winner. Given how this year has been going, I'd expect some kind of shenanigans to happen.
Daz Smith a few people were tasked this target
Thanks Eric, I'm going to check that out now.
They should try and remote view a black hole. M87 or something.
1. Just outside the event horizon
2. Inside the event horizon
3. Going through the black hole
4. Observe the singularity
and 5. what lies beyond the black hole past the singularity.
I wonder if consciousness breaks down like the laws of physics do once inside the event horizon.
I would like to find out if the predicted rain of fire and fireballs will happen in my lifetime as some people are saying is soon to come now. (I had dreamed of this occurring in Seattle when I was young and trying to find bridges and over passes to hide under)
Plasma? What color were they?
Remote view the Flatwoods monster. It's the first UFO alien mystery I ever heard of and what got me interested in the phenomena as a little kid. Also, how to defeat the advanced aliens behind the Death Traps.
Defeat as in how to disable the death traps and how the alien influence can be rendered ineffective.
This has been asked daily for months. Lots of advice in the other posts. Also everyone seems to forget the 2nd target was someone that didn’t go to the traps.
Thanks for the reply. I didn't forget that its possible to avoid the death traps. My reasoning is, get rid of the traps so people don't have to go to the death traps.
Q.anon is relative to whats happening on the planet right now we need to know the truth,things are changing at a fast pace it affects us all ,we all know things are not what we have been told how does Q.anon play into this. L & L
From my research into them the claim is that they are a group of military intelligence officers who have been tasked by higher up military officials with the consent/approval of Pres Trump to do off the books research for him using remote viewing to view the future timelines. And that is how Qanon is able to predict so many accurate things (most recently predicting the correct week that Maxwell would be arrested)
Source on the remote viewing speculating here
I'd like to see the first nuclear explosion ever detonated in earth , the most powerful one and the last one before humans made the bomb in tbe 1940's.
The ancient nails found in rocks and the ancient axe found in a rock and the wood turned into coal.
I'm curious about the 3rd secret of Fatima. There's controversy about whether or not the true documentation of it was revealed, as they claim. I for one doubt it was. I'm not catholic or religious, just extremely curious. And if anyone has any suggestions about further research regarding it, point me in that direction :)