Farsight Spotlight: Q & A with Courtney Brown March 2025
Episode 1
Courtney Brown answering questions asked in our Forums on FarsightPrime.com: March 2025
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Farsight Spotlight: AI and Remote Viewing
Episode 2
Courtney Brown discussing how Farsight is incorporationg AI in our projects in a revolutionary way that will change the world.
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1:28:20Episode 3
Farsight Spotlight: The AI Wars
Episode 3
Courtney Brown discussing the onset of the AI wars.
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Farsight Spotlight: The Psi Suppressor Field
Episode 4
Courtney Brown and the latest Intel Update: The Psi Suppressor Field.
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Farsight Spotlight: Q & A with Courtney Brown
Episode 5
Courtney Brown answering questions submitted in the Forums on FarsightPrime.com.
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Farsight Spotlight: Recognizing Deception and Control
Episode 6
Courtney Brown gives and update on the UAPs, and he describes strategies of war that are happening.
Recent interview with Courtney Brown on WatchMojo:
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Farsight Spotlight: Proof is Framing the Question
Episode 7
Courtney Brown discussing the idea of "proof" with respect to intelligence operations, remote viewing, and extraterrestrials.
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Farsight Spotlight: The "Big War" and the Mystery of My Age and Health
Episode 8
Courtney Brown discussing The "Big War" and the mystery of his age and health.
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Spotlight: The War for Humanity has Begun
Episode 9
Courtney Brown discussing the evolving war for humanity, and the PSYOPS involved.
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Spotlight: The Science of Forecasting Future Events
Episode 10
Courtney Brown discussing The Science of Forecasting Future Events
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Farsight Spotlight 5 January 2025 - The Calm Before the Storm
Episode 11
Courtney Brown discussing The Calm Before the 2025 Storm
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