Live stream preview
Courtney Brown giving the Farsight Intelligence Briefing for July 2020. Entering a new set of ideas as an alternative to endless fighting and debates.
Up Next in Season 2020
Farsight Intelligence Briefing August...
Courtney Brown giving the Farsight Intelligence Briefing for August 2020. The psychology of humanity's condition.
Farsight Intelligence Briefing Septem...
The trap of Heaven and ascension beliefs. Courtney Brown giving the Farsight Intelligence Briefing for September 2020.
Farsight Intelligence Briefing Octobe...
Courtney Brown discussing how eternal life is absolutely inevitable for every living creature, and that it is impossible for this to change. Also, the near-term future plans for Farsight. Courtney Brown giving the Farsight Intelligence Briefing for October 2020.