This remote-viewing documentary focuses on what appears to be a huge set of structures on the surface of Iapetus, a moon of Saturn. The apparent structures are clearly visible in a photograph that was taken by the Cassini space probe that still orbits Saturn. We now know what these things are, who built them, and why. We also know what happened to those who stayed there, and how they died. This was not a military outpost, not a spy base, not an industrial or mining location. It is actually more amazing than anything anyone could have imagined. This is new, unprecedented in the history of extraterrestrial research.
Dick Allgire and Daz Smith work this project. They are two of the most skilled remote viewers on the planet currently, using U.S. military derived methodologies for perceiving across time and space, and working within a scientifically clean and totally blind experimental design.
The science of remote viewing has matured to the extent that such a project as this is finally achievable. But no one could have expected the results to be as shocking as what was actually revealed by these new data.